

Sports Podcast

By: Marinela Rivas

No Space For Physical Distancing In Prisons

Kaleb Anderson, Junior - Benjamin Banneker, WDC Winter/Spring 2020 [youtube...

Coronavirus Takes A Toll On Mental Health

Bismarck Macauley, Freshman - Homeschool, Winter/Spring 2020 The rapid spread...

Wake & Bake!

By Lauren Johnson Some teens are getting high before starting classes. Straight Up: Urban Voice senior Lauren Johnson totally disagrees and urges them to just say no!

Drink a Shake, Plant a Tree!

By Khaya Carter Every year Cherry Blossoms mark the Spring season in Washington, DC. Straight Up: Urban Voice senior Khaya Carter shares that some Washington, DC Pot Belly Sandwich shops offered a menu item with an eco-friendly bonus. The item celebrates the annual Cherry Blossom tradition in the nation's capital and helps add trees to the environment.

Fighting for their Freedom: Civil War Colored Troops

By Cara Bernard It has been 150 years since the start of the Civil War. In July, the African-American Civil War Musuem in Washington, DC re-opens in a new and larger home. Straight Up: Urban Voice Senior Cara Bernard tells us all about and a little something about the men who inspired it.

Listen to the KKK! Say What!

By Khaya Carter Kool Klux Klan might make you think of the KKK at first, but they're a DC rap collective. Straight Up: Urban Voice senior Khaya Carter finds out why they chose their controversial name.

Silver Wedding Anniversary: In It For The Long Haul!

By Jalen Edmonds As the Urban Journalism Workshop celebrates its 25th anniversary, Straight Up: Urban Voice senior Jalen Edmonds reports on what it takes for married couples to make it 25 years and beyond.